
Batlle has an extraordinary laboratory with the latest technological breakthroughs for quality control of seeds. This laboratory, managed by an agricultural engineering technician, has a valuable team of professional technicians.


If Batlle’s companies have lasted during 200 years in the market, it’s not only because of its seriousness and professionalism in the commercialisation of products, but the great effort that has always been dedicated towards research and the improvement of new varieties. That is why the company has been able to provide Spanish farmers, in each stage and each moment, the seed variety that best fits their needs.

During the last century, the original company, Semillas Nonell, was pioneer in the selection and improvement of the material, achieving recognition in the market for their seeds specialised in different varieties or own crops. This has been a constant priority for the company, and that is why the company has dedicated great investments into research and development of new varieties; both in direct research and the obtaining of its own varieties but also in the applied research, conducting trials and choosing the best foreign materials for our agriculture.


Throughout the whole productive process, from the seed entering the storehouse to the moment it is launched, an exhaustive quality control is done, decisive for achieving the guarantee that the Batlle’s seed possesses within the national and international market. Once the seed enters the storehouse and before being processed, a sample is taken, and in the laboratory its purity, germination and health registration is determined. When the seed has been selected, and before its certification, a second analysis of every set of batches is held. Independently, the bio-control organisation of each autonomy proceeds to test their own samples and analysis in the laboratory.

Moreover, Batlle runs post-control tests of all the seeds that are commercialised; control that consist of sowing in a field a sample of each batch, to prove its varietal purity. The batches that remain in the warehouses are analysed, at most, every six months, so that security of the stored seed is ensured, before going to the market, each having germination guarantee.


The control that Batlle has always demanded of its products, has enabled that throughout the years working in this activity, and the great quantity of seed of different species that are annually out in the market, the incidences of complaints have been minimal and with no relevance, which doubtlessly represents a business’ prestige.

With the purpose of offering the best service and quality to the client, the Group currently has the most advanced technology in the field of infrastructures and logistics, giving main importance to the control, the systems of storage, packing and expedition, without saving efforts in this new chapter.


Once there is an obtained variety, it has to be preserved; a highly important job that requires to maintain the time of all the properties of the variety.
That is why the quantity of materials, humans and technicians, that the company has in all its breadth are essential, due to its experience gathered for two centuries.


The fruit of this work and effort is that maybe ours is the only Spanish company that has settled contracts of technology transfer with other countries, such as Greece, Italy, Morocco and Portugal, from which they are obtaining important royalties for the production of its varieties.


Thanks to its applied research, Batlle offers the national market a complete and competitive selection of its varieties of the different species such as cereals, horticultural, fodder, oilseeds, tussocks, etc.; fundamentally coming from its research and development department and the centres of research of Europe and the United States.
A very wide net of trials distributed through Spain, controlled by an extraordinary team of technicians, and the determination of an excellent improver is the appropriate way to detect the most convenient variety.
